RADIOWEATHERWARS: John Bolaris Really Wants You to Know he was Banned from WIP
You see, John Bolaris has been “banned” from calling into WIP to report the weather. He says he was told that people with CBS credentials only can call in to talk about the weather, which makes complete sense. But J-Bo isn’t having it. And in case you missed the part the first time around about how he was banned from WIP and doesn’t have a CBS badge, he mentioned it four more times:
Bolaris was likely trying to warn people about the extreme cold that is coming our way. As his Weather Savior points out, it is supposedly the coldest air mass for Valentine’s weekend since 1888. There might be snow, there will be gusts, and there is a possibility of power outages. Basically, you want to stay inside. But that’s tomorrow night (into Monday). What’s happening right now?
Oh that’s some hot air. But not you Andy. You’re cool. And now, here’s two hours of the Game of Thrones theme looped. Did I do that right, Kyle?