Voila_Capture 2015-02-22_12-45-31_PM

The Washington Capitals, obviously in town to play the Flyers this afternoon, were awoken by a curiously-timed fire alarm at their hotel (Four Seasons or Ritz? I’m going Four Seasons) last night. Alex Ovechkin and Marcus Johansson posted videos on their respective Instagrams of players sitting outside their rooms in the hallway, apparently in various states of undress. Which is curious to me. I mean, sure, I do think people generally, on average, wear one less article of clothing when sleeping in a hotel, for several reasons:

1) Hotel rooms are generally warm with temperature controls that are pretty straightforward. There are few drafts. And there are usually made beds with with big, comfy blankets in which to snuggle.

2) They’re not your bed sheets, so any excretion – intentional or otherwise – is someone else’s job to clean up.

3) If you’re in a hotel, you’re typically in a given city or town for a reason, which means you spend more time out and less time, particularly in the evening, lounging around in a t-shirt, shorts or sweatpants– all clothes that you might wear to bed at home or a relative’s house.

But yeah, I’m still genuinely surprised that Alex Ovechkin sleeps in the nude. Have I spent too much time on this? Am I weird? I don’t think so. I’m not the weird one. YOU’RE WEIRD for not analyzing the many reasons why we walk around hotel rooms like indigenous creatures from a far-flung, undiscovered land, where testicular support  is merely a notion whispered about in hushed clicks and grunts in dark, secluded enclosures.

Videos after the jump.

H/T to (@SneZoc33)
