PSMFO64 Round 1 Winners
ONCE AGAIN THE COMMITTEE NAILS IT. Take a look at your supposed real bracket– how much chalk you got on there? Not a lot, eh? It’s utter Madness. Meanwhile, the masses were bitching about the committee’s seeds in PSMFO64, and other than 8-9 matchups – always a tossup! – how many upsets did we have? ONE! We had one upset– Zumoff over Therien, and that was a 7-10 matchup. The committee once again nails it. Take a look at the bracket— it’s perfect.
Move over, Janet Yellen, the chairperson of the real committee has a statement to make:
I know we said the second round would start today, but we’re going to switch things up and start it Monday. Let the masses stew in their complaints about seeding. This is a victory for the committee as much as it was for all our first round winners. Eat me.
Side note: Apparently there are comments about fraud. There’s no fraud. Voting is restricted by cookie and IP. If you aren’t seeing the option to vote, it’s because someone from your home, business or school already voted. That’s to preserve integrity. Voting is a privilege not a right around here.
UPDATE: Fixed error with score in Harris, Zumoff victories. I entered the scores wrong. These are correct.