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Fun story, the only one of the night on Saturday: Went to a Villanova alumni game watch in New York and was seated next to a couple of, I’m assuming, recent grads, whose misery subsided only slightly… when they saw their “good friend” on TV after the game– Crying Piccolo Girl, who is having just about the worst week ever. One of them sent her a selfie Snapchat annotated with tears. And that about sums up Saturday night in the Nova Nation.

Let’s hit it!


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The roundup:

A NY Times piece about the proliferation of sports documentaries. #hipsterlinks

A Bloomsburg baseball player was kicked off his team for calling Mo’ne Davis a “slut” on Twitter.

And league shill Peter King was tapped for an exclusive interview with Roger Goodell, with hard-hitting fare like this:

The MMQB: What’s the lesson you take from easily your most trying year as commissioner?

Goodell: I don’t know if you could put one or two … One of the things we always focus on is, What do we learn and how do we get better? I think in this case there were several factors. One is, Do we have the right expertise around us on specifically difficult issues that are complicated and complex? Two, in this case, at least in the personal conduct area, we were too reliant on law enforcement. We were completely reliant on law enforcement. We can’t be in this circumstance, because our criminal justice system has to make different types of decisions on different standards. We have to have personal conduct that represents the standards in the NFL. That’s the third point, that we always have to make sure that our standards and our policies are advanced, well thought-out and represent the highest standards that people expect of us. That wasn’t our learning from last year, but it was clear that people expect the NFL to do the right thing and when we don’t, they’re disappointed. We’re disappointed.

I searched the transcript for “Rice,” and the only result was in response to a question King asked about how the league would handle a similar event. Way to go, Pete.

This Jason Kelce sighting at the Erin Express last weekend is so everyman:

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H/T to reader Joe


Why a deal between Apple and MLB Advanced Media would make a lot of sense… for more than just watching baseball games.

Reuben Frank on the end of Villanova’s season.


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