Please Add Mets Pitcher Matt Harvey to Your Shit Lists
That there is Matt Harvey – following a mound visit during which Terry Collins undoubtedly told him to walk (not hit) Utley – putting one into the middle of Chase’s well-formed back, a response to David Buchanan hitting two Mets batters (and, probably, Chase taking Harvey deep in the first). I could’ve done without the stare-down from Harvey… if it didn’t lead to this piercing gaze from Chase:
My soul, it was just touched. [UPDATE: Confirming Chase’s well-formed back.]
After the game, Chase was as cool as the other side of his pillow we all wish we shared with him:
Asked about it after the game, Harvey admitted only to being “overamped” and letting one “get away.”
“That sounds about right,” Utley said. “Getting hit by a pitch is part of the game. It’s not the first time I’ve been hit by a pitch, and it won’t be the last.”
I had somewhere to be last night and didn’t see the game, and I accidentally recorded ambient audio this morning when screen-grabbing the showdown while my buddy, on speaker, explained to me what happened. This is a portion of our exchange [the Phillies lost, in case you were wondering]: