Sponsored: The Final Four Is Tonight, Secure Your Victory with Godfather Locks
I received this text message earlier from the person simply listed as Godfather Locks in my phone: Hey, could you let people know we went 5-0 last night and have made a $100 player $8,600 over the last 23 days? Why yes, yes I can.
The Final Four is tonight. Baseball season starts Monday. The NBA Playoffs are around the corner. If you’re in a place that allows such specific games of chance, then be sure to, at the very least, follow Godfather Locks on Twitter (@GodfatherLocks) and check out their site. I know people have preconceived notions about the people who advise on the outcomes of sporting events, and while nothing is guaranteed, I’ll tell you this: Godfather Locks is no BS, fair and honest. I often judge the integrity of, say, an advertiser by how quickly they respond to invoices, which my lazy ass typically sends long after a particular campaign began, and often after it ended. I’ve been working with Godfather for over two years now, with nary a problem. In fact, they’ve been one of our most easy-to-deal-with sponsors. So, check them out, and use their service with confidence.