You Can Keep up with the Eagles' Draft Picks on Your Apple Watch That You're Not Going to Have in Time
I have to write this because all of Kyle’s blood rushed … somewhere: For nerds who moonlight as bros, there’s the Apple Watch. And for those people, a certain thrill will come from flipping their wrist over to check breaking news on their watch instead of reaching into their pockets like the rest of us. And one of the earliest chances they’ll get to do that in the NFL draft. The Eagles have developed an app for the Apple Watch that will be able to push-off breaking news alerts, roster information and draft picks from phone or tablet to watch.
Kyle is already practicing his wrist motion … to get his breaking news the quickest.
Kyle: Screw off. Everyone said the same thing about the iPad when it first came out. Including my Mrs. CB– my then-girlfriend who was legitimately concerned when I cut short one of our first “overnight” dates to run to the door and claim my brand new iPad from the UPS lady on release day. Ohhh, it’s just a big iPod. It’s the same as the phone. What can you do on it that you can’t already do on your laptop? Now I can’t pry her iPad out of her hands in bed (cruel irony, I know). Watch– you’re all gonna see one, you’re gonna want one, and in five years, you won’t be able to live without one. Book it. Game-changer. Long live Steve Jobs.