Video: Jon Stewart Compares Philly Fans to Anti-Muslim Hate Group
Jon Stewart, in his open last night about the shooting at a cartoon contest yesterday, compared Philly sports fans to the ridiculous anti-Muslim group, American Freedom Defense Initiative, that thought it a good idea to hold a contest for who could draw the best (and presumably most offensive) cartoon of the prophet Muhammad:
“That’s the group AFDI. That’s the same group that led protests against the so-called Ground Zero mosque and has been plastering New York subways with anti-Islamic advertisements. AFDI is a First Amendment group the same way people from Philly are sports fans. Ostensibly they like sports, but really they’re just looking for an excuse to punch a stranger and pour beer on someone’s baby.”
This coming from a Mets fan.
Video after the jump.
H/T to hall of fame CB reader (@PhillyPartTwo)