Jason Kelce Slams Dumb Punter for Opening Dumb Punter Mouth

Jim Adair | June 29, 2015

This weekend, loudmouth punter Steve Weatherford compared the Eagles’ quarterbacks to cars. Here’s what he said on the “Boomer and Carton Show”:

“I’m gonna give you a Ferrari [Bradford] that maybe won’t be running all the time, or I’m giving you a nice Cadillac sedan [Sanchez]. It’s not the fastest but you know what you’re going to get out of it. Bradford can go from 0 to 60 in three seconds, but you don’t know if he’s gonna start up some days.”

“Chip Kelly will get himself in serious trouble if they get an extension for [Bradford]”

He later tried to walk back his (kind of accurate) comments, but none of that matters because Jason Kelce has recorded a fatality. #everyman