RADIO WARS: The Threats Keep on Coming
This may be an absolutely unprecedented event in local media, anywhere. The chirp-fest, potshots, and insults have gone on for months now – with most coming from one side – but over the last week, we’ve seen online, public responses from the longtime afternoon ratings champ, Mike Missanelli, who’s all but threatened to knock Josh Innes out if and when he sees him. It was alluded to last week. Yesterday, it was a bit less subtle… and all brought about with this Tweet, from a priest!
Let’s be honest: this probably ends at Chickie’s and Pete’s (because what would be more Philly sports radio?) with someone pushed up against a wall, a cocked fist, and probably a squealing-with-delight Andy Bloom (because publicity).
The box for charity thing isn’t really even a joke. Since we have a resident celebrity boxing extraordinaire in our midst – Damon Feldman, who’s already said, I think seriously, that he has a sponsor who would pay $25k to the winner – this could, like, in theory, actually happen. Sadly, it would be the biggest sporting event of the first nine months of 2015 in Philly. OMINOUS TONES: