This Eagles/Phillies Tailgate Ambulance is Amazing as Long as You Don't Need an Actual Ambulance
Do you need a new, flashy, noticeable tailgate vehicle? Does it not matter to you how many people will stare at you? Do you have thousands to throw at such an expense? Perfect. Meet the Phanbulance, and allow me to try out my best Price is Right prize voice over:
“It’s a newwwww TIALGAAAAAATE AMBULANCE. This 1989 Ford comes fully equipped with a 42″ TV, stereo, rear bench seating for seven, including the driver, and has Eagles flair on one side with Phillies designs on the other. The lights and horns still work, and it’s been fitted with new breaks, tires, starters, and batteries. It also comes with a 900 watt generator and has only notched 130,000 miles. Be the talk of the tailgate, just don’t take anyone to the hospital, in the PHANBULAAAAAAAANCE. It can be yours, if the Price is Right!”
The price is $6,500. Seriously though, if someone gets alcohol poisoning, they need to find a real ambulance.
[h/t Busted Coverage]