
The text of that:

I want to sincerely thank my loyal followers of Weathersavior.com.
Our small team made this project fun, exciting, ACCURATE, and No B.S.

However to be perfectly honest losing our partnership with Philly.com was a huge blow to us as COMCAST pushed us out the door. The folks at Philly.com are wonderful people who work tirelessly and loved the team work.

Sometimes when things are at their bleakest (against the ropes) great things that you never knew existed before come to you. I’m truly excited about a couple of great projects that will launch. One project you might here about, however the grand slam will remain silent until sometime this fall. ..Stay tuned…

“Its always darkest before sunrise”


From the Daily News:

The Emmy-award winning forecaster launched Weathersavior.com in May 2014. For about $500 a month, it offered weather events 24/7, with a specialty in storms.

Bolaris told me he has pulled the plug on his website because it just wasn’t making any money.

You know what? I guess I wasn’t paying a whole lot of attention. I knew John Bolaris had his Weather Savior site where he posted (often accurately) storm warnings and info, and I knew there was a subscription service, but I didn’t know that subscription service was $500 per goddamn month. Surprise of the century: Weather Savior is shutting down due to not making enough money. Because maybe if J-Bo had done a SWOT analysis, he would’ve learned that someone else provides customized weather reports and they do it for FREE or for a small $1.99 one-time fee: YOUR PHONE!

“I’ve been fighting a very negative tide for years … the last few years have been hell, but the tide is changing,” Bolaris told the Daily News. “Bottom line: I’m a dad who needs to take care of my daughter and be the best provider possible. After all, I am her superhero.”

In fact, I guess you could say he’s her ……. WEATHER SAVIOR. But, you know, not now.

via Philly Mag