The #PopeFence Is Probably Going to Destroy Philly for a Couple of Days
This map up there is better than this map down here:
Over the weekend, the latter map, which supposedly showed the non-vehicle zone and security checkpoints for the Pope’s late-September visit to Philly, began circulating around the Internet, originating on Reddit. Billy Penn just ran the top image, actually sourced, as a more accurate representation of what the planned borders are, for now.
According to Billy Penn, the red area is the actual #PopeFence and the black area represents “full security boundaries,” while “it’s still being worked out what those boundaries might mean for residents.” The ID checkpoints seem to be bunk, as only “staffer[s] heading into a secure area” should have to show one. BP’s source said that black boundary is going to be a vehicle-free zone. “Basically, ‘no vehicles in greater center city/ucity,’ the source said. ‘That’s why we’ve been calling it the traffic box. No traffic.'”
In other words, if you live anywhere near this general area, or might want to venture into that general area, you’re screwed.
I’ll say this though: It’s smart to keep Devil’s Pocket outside the border. But what’s inside? A Gold Club, Condom Kingdom, the entire Gayborhood. You win some, you lose some, Catholic Church. And we can complain about the lack of info (and the whole thing really) with the city, but it’s the Secret Service who is in charge here. So really, thanks Obama.
Kyle: No cars in that entire area? Haha. I’m all for big events, but tell me why again this is a good idea? New York is laughing at us right now. We have one dignitary visit for, like, a day, and the whole goddamn city is literally shutting down.