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This is a publicity stunt on the precipice of jumping a shark. That said, I welcome our grammatical flyovers.

Yesterday, noted Eagles fan The Mighty EROCK launched his Go Fund Me campaign to raise $1,800 to fly a “WE GOT DEMARCO” banner over Cowboys training camp.

Cowboys fans – the pond scum that, unfortunately, lives among us – responded with a campaign of their own– first for a banner that would read “WE GOT THE DIVISION,” but which has turned into the ridiculous and dumb “WE STILL DEM BOYZ #SACKSCOMIN” based on a suggestion by one of their funders, new Cowboy Greg Hardy:Voila_Capture 2015-08-01_08-54-09_AM

There is a new development in the fundraising efforts. Greg Hardy himself has contributed $300 to the cause, and he suggested a phrase for the banner.

The new suggestion, from Greg, was “WE STILL DEM BOYZ!”

We thought it’d be a hell of a way to honor his contribution by updating the banner for the fly-over, and adding a little something for his contribution.

The banner will now read “WE STILL DEM BOYZ! #SACKSCOMIN.”

Thanks to Hardy’s contribution, Cowboys fans have already hit their goal. The Eagles’ campaign is closing in on $1,800 and should be helped out by CB Sports’ tax deductible $30 donation:

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You know what to do.

Football is here.

UPDATE: And of course there’s now an Eagles Fans Against Domestic Violence campaign.