We filled four 50-person Draft Kings leagues for Week 1. Congrats to those of you who won, and those who finished ahead of my stingy 134.94 points.

One of the leagues actually filled so quickly that I didn’t have time to enter. Don’t worry. Anyone who finished with more than 134.94 points still gets a t-shirt.

We’re just waiting on the final list from Draft Kings, which we expect today. Anyone who beat me will get a code for a $25 gift card to the store, where you can buy anything you want, including these two shirts, which are flying off the virtual shelves:

Voila_Capture 2015-09-14_07-52-52_PM Voila_Capture 2015-09-14_05-42-00_PM


No CB exclusive league for Week 2, but there’s a $1 million FREE PLAY league – with $100k to the winner – with your first deposit (which I believe is a minimum of only $5). Create your team for that right here.