If football was played with tennis balls (it’s not), Jordan Matthews would be the GOAT:


It’s really less of a hands drill (hence the no football, also they’re in a hallway) and more hand-eye coordination practice. Drops plagued the Eagles and Matthews this year – though Matthews hurt his hand – so it’s good that J-Matt is up before 7 a.m. working on these things instead of partying late. Just last month he said he wanted to be one of the best receivers in the league. Now it’s February, a time when most players are taking an extended vacation to some place warm, and Matthews is doing tennis ball work in a gym hallway at 6:50 in the morning. What have you done today? Get your life together.

Kyle: What have you done today? Says the guy who rolled over far enough in his bed to grab his computer and log on at 9:30 a.m. – an hour late – for his job writing about sports, which he can literally do from bed. Oh, the irony.

[h/t r/Eagles]