Mike Missanelli Hung Up on Sal Pal Today
Sal Pal, a human filled with helium who today sounded like he was filled with a fermented beverage, was on 97.5 for his contractually-mandated appearance with Mike Missanelli and, after listening to a clip from an interview Mike did with Doug Pederson*, berated him for not asking Pederson whether he has talked to Sam Bradford. Here’s a three-minute clip, which itself had to be edited because Sal Pal was (drunkenly?) droning on and on and hypothesizing about the bloviatory topic du jour– the NEED to find out whether Doug Pederson has spoken to Sam Bradford. Mike hung up on him. Finally. Finally someone hung up on Sal Pal.
Audio 97.5 The Fanatic
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*When scrolling through the full show and stumbling on the interview with Doug, I honestly thought Mike was talking to a caller. Doug sounded like a caller. That’s not a good thing.
Thanks to the many readers who alerted me to Mike’s stand against this wind bag