UPDATE: Someone who works at Pinsetter reached out to us on Twitter and said that a tip was left, in cash: “He 100% left cash as a tip. I was there. Our waitress should be ashamed of herself as well and cleared that up!”

So, there you have it. We got yet another tip to the contrary, which we’re still checking out. My concern was over whether the receipt was forged or not, and I never thought to consider the cash angle, given how pissed both the tipster and a separate tweeter were that he didn’t leave a tip on the card. I removed the image of the receipt for now.

UPDATE 2: Yet another person who says they work at Pinsetter, a waitress named [redacted], who is pissed about the situation, reached out to me this morning and said that no cash tip was found and that others are worried about getting in trouble with work for going public with it [apparently Eagles frequently hang out there]. “No chance at all” a cash tip was left, she said. I’ve reposted the original image.

Original post after the jump.

Oh, Fletcher, no.

Here’s an image sent in by tipster “Deez,” who claims this is a receipt from Pinsetter Bar & Bowl in New Jersey, signed off on by Fletcher Cox last night. $132.50 tab. $0 tip.

Now, having just watched Truth yesterday, I’m hyper vigilant that this sort of thing can be forged. So, a quick cross-check with Cox’s signature…

Voila_Capture 2016-02-28_09-47-36_AM

… makes what’s on the receipt close enough (most people just scribble on restaurant receipts), but still up for debate as to whether it’s legit or not. There are, however, two Tweets placing Cox in South Jersey last night… one of which rips him for not tipping at Pinsetter:

Voila_Capture 2016-02-28_09-58-07_AM Voila_Capture 2016-02-28_09-58-47_AM

I’m leaning towards this being real. Assuming it is, there are always two sides to every story, so let’s consider that before we make things hard for Cox. Trying to find out more. Perhaps Cox left cash?