Watch Loser Bill Self Grimace at Sound of Villanova's Band
Here’s loser Bill Self and his toupee, which resides in a different longitude than his neck, reacting to the Villanova band before the game.* The band, it seems, was a little off key. So that likely explains Self’s reaction here:
Haha Bill Self with a priceless expression after hearing the Villanova band. #MarchMadness #kubball #Elite8
— Chris Lilly (@ChrisLilly_) March 26, 2016
Of course, he could’ve just been practicing his facial expressions knowing that he was about to lose to Jay Wright for the third time in five games, all as the number 1 or 2 team in the country:
Photo credit: Aaron Doster-USA TODAY Sports
Like Jim Larranaga before him, perhaps Self should’ve been more focused on playing Villanova than fake baseball or the sound of the band. Because on this night, Piccolo Girl would not be crying.
*When I first saw this Tweet, I thought it showed Self after the game reacting to the band, like a fallen general having to listen to another nation’s anthem upon the field of battle. Alas. I’ll take any chance to shit on the guy whose not nearly as good of a coach as Jay Wright. Though I do welcome you to try to convince me otherwise today. I’ve come prepared with my Final Four suit.
H/T to (@Daddy_Wheels)