Can We Call Jay Wright's Decision to Write His Championship Speech on the North Carolina Scouting Report "Savage"?
I’ve taken some heat this week for an overly liberal use of the word “savage.” I can’t even remember why, because I’m working on seven hours sleep over the last two nights, but I assure you, some numbskulls tweeted me about it. Anyway, can we call Jay’s use of the North Carolina scouting report to scribble remarks – which were undoubtedly more complex than any course literature for Roy Williams’ players – for his championship address “savage”? I think we can.
Now look, I have no doubt that this was a completely inadvertent move by the classy and cool Wright, who most likely was on the bus doing another classy radio interview and saying classy things when he remembered that he had to say something similarly classy to the assembled masses given off from classes for the day. So, just a couple of classy words about the seniors and walk-ons sufficed. Meanwhile, the stationary of choice reminds us all that Villanova stomped its way to tournament greatness with four consecutive wins over top 10 teams, putting the exclamation point on their achievement by piercing a dagger through North Carolina lore and forever erasing from our memories the…. call against… in… huh, weird, I can’t seem to remember the play they were supposed to be avenging. Just gone from history.
Reached for comment, Roy Williams could only offer a sniffle:
Going down, sir? Yeah, I think so.