Penguins Fans Ruin Moment of Silence for Ed Snider by Being Dirty Yinzers
There are few more classless sports fan moves than disrespecting the honorary moment of silence. You can’t shut your fat mouth for 20seconds at worst? You just gotta make sure everyone knows you have something to say, and this is your time to say it, respect be damned?
Today’s culprits? Some. Fucking. Yinzers.
A couple of seconds in there you can hear someone yell, “Flyers Suck!” before of buncha yinz join in with “YEAH!” I get that all your city has is a shitty sandwich place and a number of bridges (and the band Rusted Root, so that’s cool), but you couldn’t go three seconds with your stupid mouths shut? “Yes, I agree that the Flyers suck. Let me raise my Coors Light in this moment of supposed respect and shout ‘YEAH’ so everyone knows I, too, am an asshole.”
It was a nice gesture by the Penguins organization, it’s just too bad Pens fans can’t be trusted to be respectful for the amount of time it takes to say their shitty city’s name.
[h/t Sons of Penn, video via r/Flyers]