This Video of Guys Reading Mean Tweets to Women Is Hard to Watch
So this video, showing the boorish comments female sportswriters have to deal with online, is hard to watch, as normal, human men read disgusting things tweeted to Sarah Spain and Julie DiCaro, to their faces. It’s awful. However, this stuff isn’t just reserved for women. Do they get it some magnitude higher than most men? Absolutely. But it only increases the frequency of something that already exists. It’s not a women-exclusive problem (even if the nasty rape comments are about as vicious as you can get online). Have you seen the comments on this site or tweets to me? All the same shit. Check the comments on other blogs or websites, or to other bloggers, writers, anchors, famous people, etc. Death threats, comments about babies, dogs, wives– this is nothing new to anyone with an online audience. People just key on whatever your perceived weakness is. It doesn’t matter what it is, trolls just find something and pick at it. Thanks, Al Gore.