Spotted: Here's Jay Wright and Josh Hart at Nick's Roast Beef in Springfield Discussing Hart's NBA Workouts
A tipster sent these along last night– it’s Jay Wright, Josh Hart, and I believe a new Villanova graduate assistant discussing Hart’s NBA workouts – he worked out with the Sixers earlier this week and reportedly with the Celtics yesterday – at Nick’s Roast Beef in Springfield.
According to the tipster, who was there, Wright picked Hart up from the airport and “wanted to take him to get a good sandwich” en route back to Villanova. Having grown up nearby in Springfield, I can indeed confirm the merits of the sandwich. HOWEVER, I was dismayed to learn Wright ordered cheese fries, and not gravy fries, which is grounds for stripping his Naismith Coach of the Year Award, in my view.
Hart is said to have about a 50-50 chance of coming back to Nova. He still has workouts scheduled with San Antonio and Atlanta. [Curiously, over a month ago, an anonymous tipster told us he was going to the Spurs, but I have no idea if that was based on any sort of inside information or the fact that Hart is perfect for the Spurs.] But in case you ever wanted to know what it looked like when college coaches discussed the draft process with their stars, well, this is it: