This City Sucks
It’s fucking the middle of May. The Phillies won again last night thanks to an extra innings, bases-clearing double by Cameron Rupp. They’re tied for the 8th best record in baseball. It’s warm out. And this, this is the back page of the Daily News– a headline and series of stories propagating the notion that Philly is nothing but boorish clowns who will run anyone who dares to mess with the sanctity of their perennially underachieving football team out of town. For some, that’s true. For everyone else, Philly itself, thanks to slop like this from the Daily News, just fans the flames of idiocy by continually writing about THE QUATERBACK, talking about THE QUARTERBACK, commenting about THE QUARTERBACK. The media is so goddamn uninventive at times. People give me shit when there’s a lack of content on the site, but you know what, at least we’re original. Slow week? Sure, here’s a few stories on the future of streaming sports. We recorded a whole podcast on the subject. Is it as fun as talking about a Flyers Conference Finals run or whether the Phillies will be buyers at the deadline? No, but at least it’s different, original. 90% of the media just churns out the same shit, day after day, year after year. It’s all noise and filler. This Daily News cover is the perfect example. Be better, Philly.