Everyone Expects To See Cox Today
Doug Pederson and everyone in the Eagles’ locker room is waiting to see Cox, who will show himself today.
All indications are that Cox is coming– when, and for how long, is uncertain.
Doug Pederson hasn’t seen Cox yet, but he is eager to do so, according to multiple Cox watchers:
Pederson expecting Cox to show today
— Tim McManus (@Tim_McManus) June 6, 2016
Fletcher Cox is expected to come to mandatory minicamp. Told team yesterday #Eagles
— Eliot Shorr-Parks (@EliotShorrParks) June 6, 2016
Doug Pederson has not seen Fletcher Cox yet, but he expects to see him. Was given indication yesterday he would be here.
— Zach Berman (@ZBerm) June 6, 2016
Presumably Cox, the hardened defensive lineman, didn’t want to end his hold up prematurely, and chose the last possible moment to come. His return has been teased for a while now, but sometimes you just have to wait until Cox is ready. Dick.
UPDATE: Cox came:
Fletcher Cox has arrived at the NovaCare Complex for the start of #Eagles minicamp, as Doug Pederson earlier said that he expected.
— Jeff McLane (@Jeff_McLane) June 6, 2016