We’ve talked about the absolute insanity of Shawn Andrews’ twitter feed before. He thought Jade Helm was a secret plan for the military to impose martial law. It wasn’t. He thinks the Earth is flat. It’s not. And now he thinks the Orlando nightclub shooting is a hoax. It isn’t.

Through a long series of mostly retweets, Andrews dove headfirst into the false flag/conspiracy zone:

andrews orlando 1

andrews orlando 2

andrews snoop

It takes a certain type of person to believe everything that happens, literally everything, is some kind of mass government conspiracy designed to allow the big bad government to control its populace. Some people think every mass shooting is faked in order for the government to take everyone’s guns and impose martial law. It’s never happened, but some people think it’s coming any day now. It’s ALMOST understandable once you put yourself in their head. But Andrews also thinks the alligator attacking the two-year-old, also near Orlando, was a cover-up of… something?

andrews gator

andrews gator 2

Goddamn government trying to take our gators.

