Here's the Guy Who Threw the Beer Bottle at Ryan Howard
Another Sidney to hate.
Wilmington, Delaware’s Sidney Smith, 21, has surrendered to police for throwing a bottle of Bud Light Lime at Ryan Howard like a total dipshit. Smith was “issued a summary citation for disorderly conduct and released after turning himself in to South Detectives on Friday.” We still don’t know for sure if the photo circulating online (above left) was the actual bottle thrower, but next to a two-year-old picture of Sid Smith of Wilmington, Delaware on Facebook (above right) it certainly looks like the same man.
According to the same Facebook page, Sid Smith worked at the University of Delaware, but there is no school listed under his education tab. And that’s basically it other than a couple more pictures.
These youngins don’t use Facebook anymore. They live their lives in the real world, where they throw objects at people they don’t like and then scurry away like cowards.