ESPN’s Marc Stein:

Uh oh. Live look at Jim:

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Either Bryan Colangelo is doing some next-level posturing using the Celtics as leverage for something else he wants to do, or the Sixers really, really want point guard Kris Dunn at number three. I’m sort of torn on whether or not I’d prefer they trade Okafor or Noel. Okafor, with his defensive limitations and seemingly high value at this point, makes more sense. But I’m still not 100% sold on Noel as a premium NBA player. I buy the argument that he’s a better fit going forward as a defensive stopper, but only slightly. There’s never not a need for a big who can score, and if the Warriors’ final two series this year were any indication, maybe we’ve reached peaked spacing-shooting offense. So I don’t write off Okafor and his post moves the way many seemingly have. But, yeah, trade him, not Noel.

And then there’s the fact that Jim, and others…

… feel Ainge may be about to fleece Colangelo because he tipped his hand.

UPDATE: Jake Pavorsky not happy either:

Big wild card in all of this: If Embiid is healthy. There’s a real chance his career spirals to nothingness due to foot injuries. There’s precedent for that. Several of them.

UPDATE: Negotiating in public! Celtics hold firm stance: