Video: Insane Wedding Brawl at Yards Brewing
When you attend someone’s wedding, it’s always smart to have some internal rules. Like, “don’t get too drunk,” “don’t embarrass the bride,” and “don’t start a fist fight that spills outside, involves two dozen people, and ends up on the internet.” The dudes at this wedding broke all three of those.
The brawl took place earlier this month outside of Yards Brewing Co. – probably a lovely place for a wedding reception. Spirit News tracked down the police report:
According to police, the brawl occurred on Saturday, June 4, 2016, at approximately 11:00pm. The complainant, a 36-year-old male, states he was at a wedding reception at Yards Brewery (901 N Delaware Ave) for his cousin’s wedding reception.
The report states that an argument ensued between the offender, his friends, and the complainant’s friends inside of the party. The complainant states he was not involved in the argument.
Once the event ended, the complainant exited the brewery with his friends, at which point the complainant stated the offender asked him, “what are you staring at?”, before punching the complainant in the face with a closed fist.
According to the report, the complainant stated he briefly lost consciousness and awoke once police were on location. The complainant did not initially notice the severity of his injury until later that morning, and went to seek medical attention. The complainant suffered a fractured jaw.
According to police, no arrest have been made at this time.
There are two lessons here. First, don’t look at anyone. Second, if someone asks “what are you staring at?” you gotta throw first because that dude has no plans on not punching you. Especially if your clothes are rented.
And pretty sure the guy who kicked someone in the face is considered a criminal.