UPDATE: Watch The Sixers' War Room React To Pick
This is somehow much more of a letdown than the Eagles’ video, which featured the entire org chart giddily hopping on the phone with Carson Wentz in attempts to out-awkward the guy before them. The video is here.
Side note: Is this the nerdiest collection of white guys this side of the nuthouse? What a diverse group! I mean, Scott O’Neil – notably seated farther from Joshua Harris than Jerry Colangelo – is wearing a blue shirt and co-owner David Blitzer is wearing a white shirt. Some guys have jackets, some have ties! Can we get a brotha in this shot? Literally, any brotha will do. This is an NBA team after all. Someone, quick, pan out:
There we go. That’s better.
Also, why is it every time I see Colangelo he looks more and more like a falcon enrolled in German intelligence, dressed for success and ready to swoop down upon his pray and rip its fucking head off?
He’s an intense-looking dude. I bet he eats his partner after sex. Not in the Freudian way either– like, actually eats them.
UPDATE: A little baller has informed us that the kid on the far right is Bryan Colangelo’s son, Mattia. So, yes, if you’re keeping track, there were three Colangelos at the main table in the Sixers’ war room.