Ben Simmons Birthday Tracker
Big Ben doesn’t waste any time warming himself to the Phillydelfs. On his birthday yesterday, first the AI jersey-Bentley combo, an end-to-end homage to jack-asstic millionaire universally beloved by the city, and then an apparent trip to, um, the Cherry Hill Mall (there are 6,000 places I could envision spending my birthday, and the Cherry Hill Mall, surprisingly, isn’t on the list)…
… and then, rocking a Sixers hat, a late-night bump-in (hang out?) with Fletcher Cox, who looks oh so tiny next to Big Ben:
Few things:
- Ben Simmons, the 6’10 frame and Bentley aside, looks like he’s 12 and just saw his first boobical because his dad lifted the parental filter on his AOL account.
- Rarely do we find an athlete wearing their own team’s colors out on the town. We had a Sixers jersey and hat from Ben yesterday. I like it.
- Ditto for Cox, with the Phillies throwback jawn. You’re looking at two of, if not the two best, athletes in the city right herrrrrre.