Matt Rappa, Sixerdelphia:

With less than three months until the 2016-17 preseason schedule gets underway, Philadelphia 76ers big man Joel Embiid remains active in offseason workouts as he prepares for his NBA rookie season.

A video posted early Saturday morning of his workout with Drew Hanlen, Strategic Skills Coach and Consultant for the NBA and CEO of Pure Sweat Basketball, is showing just how well Embiid’s comeback is progressing.

And the video, sir:

Working on rips into quick spins with the brodie @joelembiid! #100skills100days #unseenhours @adidashoops

A video posted by Drew Hanlen (@drewhanlen) on

Oh Sweet Jesus those skills. I’m just going to pretend that the guy defending him – his trainer? – is not a tiny white man with comically high socks and UCLA gym shorts he purchased from the school bookstore. Embiid looks great! He’s the superstar we always wanted, the superstar we always needed, the GOAT… arm wrestling Justin Bieber at an LA nightclub after waxing his trainer on the floor? HOT DAMN YEP:

Joel hasn’t even touched the floor yet and he’s already a pseudo celeb, arm wrestling the Biebs at a West Hollywood nightclub with just the hottest coked up slores on percs this side of a Canadian boating trip with Mike Richards.

The Force is strong with Joel Hans. Strong indeed.

H/T to (@SpikeEskin)