Over the weekend, SEPTA announced (discovered?) that their Silverliner V trains – those fancy new ones Regional Rail riders have been taking for years now – have a “severe structural defect.” Because of the problem, 120 Silverliner V cars (about 1/3rd of SEPTA’s Regional Rail fleet) are now out of service. As ABC News put it, on a particularly busy work day “that leaves 13,000 fewer regional rail seats, reducing service by 30 percent to 50 percent.” As you can imagine, it’s an unmitigated disaster.

SEPTA is going full-on “maybe you should work from home”:

Until further notice, beginning July 5th, SEPTA will operate a modified Saturday schedule on Regional Rail in place of Weekday service (Monday-Friday).
Each line will have an extra train that will run earlier than the normal Saturday schedule and additional trains will be added to the AM/PM travel periods. But please remember that all available equipment has to be spread out over the entire Railroad network so the extra service will not reflect normal weekday frequency levels…

If you can, please consider:

  • Taking advantage of our expansive Bus, High Speed, and Trolley Transit network
  • Flexing your work time
  • Telecommuting if that is an option at your workplace

They’re another busy week away from suggesting you should quit your job.

Though it’s good we’re not speeding down the tracks in metal death boxes, people are understandably pissed:









And my favorite, “I still love y’all”:

The DNC is going to be a lot of fun.