God this is perfect.

Cleveland had a crazy ass vote, WWE entrances and Ted Cruz torpedoing his political career. In Philly, we get booing, BOOING EVERYWHERE!

This morning, DNC Chair Debbie Wasjlasdjhfjklsahfgjlhadljasdjlfhadsfuck Schasdfjklads;fjisdutlz, who is stepping down from her post after hacked emails revealed that the primary process was rigged in favor of Hillary Clinton, spoke to Florida delegates. She was booed:

And this afternoon when Bernie Sanders reitreted his support for the Clinton ticket… he was booed:

And just as I write this, Debbie Wasdjasl;kfjskdasdflkjasdfjalk;asdjfskjwachaflocka Schjsadlhfasdkadhjkksadjfjksltz announced that she won’t kick off the convention today, because boos would overshadow the message of the convention, whatever that is.

I can only assume the proceedings tomorrow will be dominated by battery-throwing concerns.