Ike Reese Doesn't Believe in Dinosaurs
WIP’s Ike Reese and Michael Barkann, today, talking about dinosaurs:
Ike Reese: “There’s two things I don’t believe in. That’s aliens and dinosaurs…You remember I said this on the air years ago.”
Michael Barkann: “What the heck do you think happened 50 million years ago?”
IR: “What I wanna know is, why aren’t they still here?…”
MB: “I’ll tell ya why they’re not still here, man. Because either a comet or a huge asteroid…”
MB: “Wiped everything out.”
IR: “What about man that was here with ’em?”
MB: “Man wasn’t here with ’em.”
MB: “Yea, but that’s a movie, there were no cavemen. There might have been some cavemen at the end, when there was the great wooly mammoth.”
Producer: “Man and dinosaur can’t exist together because they’ll eat us probably.”
IR: “That’s the point I’m making. We would be extinct.”
MB: “No, no, no. There weren’t dinosaurs…Dinosaurs had died out because of the asteroid or comet, prior to. And then life began again.”
IR: “Out of nothing?”
MB: “Out of just about nothing. Out of water and dirt and”
IR: “Without procreation?”
MB: “At first it started with just small cells dividing…”
IR: “I just wonder how man survived.”
MB: “Man didn’t survive. Man wasn’t here yet.”
IR: “Okay then how did we get here?”
MB: “We got here first through water, and cell growth in the water, and then the fish came out of the water and started to crawl…”
IR: “See, this is why I don’t buy it.”
Caller Joe: “Yeah I believe in dinosaurs, I’ve seen the bones and all the stuff they dig up.”
IR: “You’ve seen WHAT bones?”
MB: “Dinosaur bones.”
IR: “How do we know those aren’t man made?”
Adam: “So all the museums in all of the world that have fossils are man made?”
IR: “Is it a way to make money?”
Producer: [Baffled pause] “I guess.”
IR: “Do people buy into it? Do people go to see it?”
Producer: [Again, baffled] “So it’s one big conspiracy that all the dinosaurs were fake?”
IR: “It’s just a way to make money as far as I’m concerned. It’s an attraction.”
[a collection of laughter]
IR: “That’s all I got for you. Don’t give me fossils and bones. I wanna know how man survived that time. And he’s telling me that man didn’t co-exist with the dinosaurs. So once I buy that, then what did we just come out of thin air?”
MB: “When the dinosaurs were wiped out…all there was was ocean and dirt and mountains, and everything began anew.”
IR: “There’s only one way that life can come to be [procreation]”
MB: “There’s that way but there’s also stuff started in the oceans. Single celled animals…”
IR: “BUT HOW DID WE GET TO BE HUMANS?…And believe me, that is on the list of the things I told my kids not to believe in: Dinosaurs, Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny…”
MB: “Tell ’em to call Uncle Mike”
I can’t imagine why their ratings are bad.