Well That's Not How You Leave an Eagles Game
Everyone knows the way to leave an Eagles game is slowly, since you’ll be in two hours of traffic waiting to get home anyway. What’s the rush? It’s one thing to crash your tailgate van into a ticket window through a lane that’s a bit too narrrow. It’s a whole other thing to forget to remove your tailgate trashbag from your windshield wipers like a goddamn amateur. Also not great to (allegedly) flee:
also I heard them on the radio saying how the bro's ran off and the fans looted the truck. E A G L E S baby
— phil cufaro (@ripits247) September 13, 2016
Fleeing and looting the RV seems a little suspect for a couple reasons. First, you can’t just leave a vehicle behind like that. The cops will find you. Second, you can’t even get in the one side. Finally, looking at the state of the vehicle, what could even be in there worth snagging. Maybe a vomit stained Riley Cooper jersey?
[h/t Busted Coverage]