The Eagles won! The Cowboys lost! Roman Quinn played for the Phillies! Yes, baseball is still happening, though let’s look at what went on mainly around the NFL this weekend.

Note: Bird Droppings with everything from the Eagles game is coming in a separate post.

Let’s hit it!


But first, a word from our sponsors:

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Beer. Get tickets to the ultimate craft beer festival. The Tapped Craft Beer Festival is coming to Norristown’s Elmwood Park Zoo on Saturday, September 24. The event will feature two four-hour sessions showcasing 100+ beer, wine and cider tastings, as well as great food offerings and animal encounters throughout the Zoo’s 16 acres. Confirmed breweries for TAPPED Philadelphia include, Victory Brewing Company, Sly Fox Brewery, Handsome Beer, Tröegs Brewing Company, Saint Benjamin Brewing Company and Evil Genius Beer Company, with many more to be announced. Get your tickets here.


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The roundup:

ESPN’s new Fantasy Football site and app picked a hell of a day to go wonky.


I always hesitate to say “Only Philly fans would do this,” but it does seem like maybe only Philly fans would yell a basketball strategy question at Brett Brown from the stands as he’s glad-handing, and actually get an answer:


And Brett, of course, wasn’t the only Sixer there. According to a French Sixers fan account, here’s Ben Simmons with Joel Embiid and Jerry Colangelo:


Simmons and Embiid seemed to really be enjoying themselves:


There was a custom Guy Fieri Browns jersey at the Eagles game, but this might take the week 1 crown:


The Cowboys losing and becoming (multiple) memes is the best:



Terrance William’s refusal to get out of bounds got him totally roasted by the official Madden twitter account.


Aaron Rodgers does what he wants:


When your team leaves you behind, you still gotta get to the game, That’s what Uber is for.


Sometimes life is weird: Both games involving last season’s conference finalist ended with missed (NFC) field goal, with the AFC teams winning. Also both AFC teams had a different QB playing than last season.


Jack Del Rio is funny. WHO KNEW?


Let’s check in some former Eagles: Kiko Alonso recovered a fumble.


DeMarco Murray scored a touchdown via the power of flight.


Sam Bradford didn’t play.


Andy Reid’s Chiefs pulled off the biggest comeback in team history.


That Roman Quinn debut? o-for-3 with a walk and a diving catch after his misread a ball.



A podcast on The Sam Bradford Trade:

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The Stepover Episode 7 with Special Guest Chu Chu Maduabum:

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