I Hate This Town!
This is awful, brutal clickbait bullshit that blogs get accused of. The cover is referring to Les Bowen’s article, which is decidedly more tame and reasonable than this inflammatory cover. But it does include this bit of ridiculousness:
I GET a little nervous when Doug Pederson starts referencing Brett Favre in talking about Carson Wentz, as Pederson did again last week, in a discussion of late-game moxie.
Pederson was Favre’s backup when Green Bay won Super Bowl XXXI; to him, Favre comparisons are a great compliment. Me, I started covering the Eagles in 2002, later in Favre’s career, and though I know he’s an all-time great, Hall of Fame quarterback, subject of a new biography by acclaimed writer Jeff Pearlman titled Gunslinger, and all that, I also know this: Late-career Favre’s gunslinging lost as many games for his teams as it won.
I watched Brett Favre play a few bad games so I’m just going to dismiss his entire illustrious, Super Bowl-winning career.
This is what we do– we eat our own. Two weeks ago, John Clark was in North Dakota interviewing field gophers about Carson Wentz’s hunting ability, and this week, the local paper – inexplicably still a thing – is telling our rookie quarterback to stop acting like one of the greatest ever(!), this after his mediocre performance, behind a bad line, with bad receivers, and Jason Kelce snapping the ball all over South Philly, was still enough to beat a 5-0 team with the best defense in the league. Tell them, Taylor: