I Can't Stop Watching this Local Cross Country Runner Get Speared by a Deer
There are honestly so many amazing things about this. I’m hypnotized.
During the NCAA Cross Country regionals on Saturday at DeSales University (I went there on a college tour, this is definitely the most exciting thing to ever happen there), a deer stampede absolutely decked Gwynedd Mercy University freshman Justin DeLuzio. It’s beautiful.
The perfectly timed yell of “WATCH OUT FOR THE DEER!”. The Terry Tate form on the tackle. The fact that the runner behind DeLuzio sees the deer coming – he slows up and pulls his arms in – but DeLuzio definitely does not. The “oh shit” from behind the camera. It’s all perfect. It should win the Oscar for best short film.
DeLuzio finished the race, whereas I would’ve just taken it as a sign from the animal kingdom that I should never run again.