Yesterday, Spike Eskin and Mike Levin’s Rights to Ricky Sanchez Podcast ran a bust trip for over 300 fans to the game in Washington D.C. It’s fair to say a large part of that base of fans was generally sad Embiid wasn’t playing, but maybe even more bummed that Jah was. Liberty Ballers blogger Shamus Clancy expressed that by tweeting “Imaging taking a bus for two hours only to see Jahlil Okafor start.” Chuk, Jah’s dad, responded with “Imagine me slapping the shit out of you.” Later, Chuk half-heartedly claimed his account was hacked and deleted the tweet.

I was with Shamus as this whole thing was happening, and was able to get this EXCLUSIVE quote:

I understand him wanting to back up his son, he’s obviously been very vocal about his son, I get that. I think my dad might be similar about me if I was a pro athlete. I’ve said worse things about Okafor in the past I’m sure. He saw something that was petty tame I think in terms of things that are said about his son in the Sixers blogger community.”

Shamus is right, he has said much worse things about Jahlil Okafor. Here are a few:

Hope Chuk doesn’t read this post, he might end up getting hacked a bunch.