Here Are Some Pictures of the NFL Draft Setup

Kyle Scott | April 18, 2017

These pictures come to us from, which has a few more you can view here. There’s not a whole lot of context to them and it’s hard to tell what’s what, but you do get a sense of the scale. And I especially like how they’re reminiscent of the they’re not ready and the Olympics are only two weeks away! images we get every two years before some awful country hosts the world’s best athletes.

I was denied a press credential to the draft because the NFL thinks they’re the fucking United Nations and won’t give you a seat at the table unless you leave unquestioned their motives and criticize only very specific dictators… so, I’ll be covering the event like Zoe Barnes, deep in the back alleys and gutters, digging up dirt and generally stirring the shit. I’ll stop at nothing, even if I have to blow Frank Underwood to get the good stories. This one? Meh. I was up late last night doing my own taxes – NEVER DO THAT! – and haven’t finished my coffee yet.