Joe Banner and Ed Werder Got Into a SCRUM on Twitter Today

Kyle Scott | April 13, 2017

Fun fact: I love Twitter Joe Banner. He’s feisty and shoots from the hip, and he spent enough time behind the curtain to weigh in adequately on stuff like this. He’s right, too. This United thing is absolutely a story, but the moment the media started covering the guy’s checkered past (which really wasn’t that checkered and pertained not at all to the story) and airing his lawyer’s press conference – you can bet his lawyer told him to stay in that hospital “just as long as you need to, big guy– by the way, does your shoulder hurt?” – this thing jumped the shark and turned into a frenzy. It’s no longer news– it’s a fascination. Yelling about it wont make things better. And the whole reason why the media doesn’t cover poor diets, preventative healthcare, etc. and opts to devote their full resources to mass casualty events is the same reason why this is national news and more serious matters, without excellent video, get little to no coverage. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need Joe’s help stepping off our soap box.