NFL Draft Prep Has Begun on the Parkway

Jim Adair | April 6, 2017

An indoor/outdoor arena, numerous video screens, a goddamn zip line, etc. That kind of thing takes a while to set up. 21 days out, the prep has begun.

Currently, the Art Museum’s main flight of stairs – minus the top section – is blocked off as the theater and stage are built. The construction allows for entrance to the museum from a side stairway, but it has thrown a large wrench into the plans of tourists, tourists, and tourists. And with the construction, parking restrictions have already begun.

From now until early May, Phase 1 of the parking restrictions will keep cars off the roads closest to the museum, while Phase 2 (starting in two weeks) will keep cars off the remainder of the Parkway. No, really:

Good God, it looks like Major Drumstick left behind his massive turkey baster. Or, Mrs. Drumstick…

Phases 3 and 4 will extend parking restrictions into some residential areas around the museum, and just generally make the area a complete nightmare. That’s kinda how the Parkway always is though.