Brandon Graham Totally Wasn’t Holding Out

Kyle Scott | May 16, 2017

Few things I love more than the screenshot statement.* Brandon Graham, who has like 22 Twitter followers after all the people he’s blocked over the years, tweeted out the following… for those of you imagically impaired:

Back in Philly and I just wanted to clear a few things up for all of our fans. I was never holding out. I was in Detroit last week spending some time with my family. I love playing in Philly, I love our fans and I love this organization. I’ve never had an issue with my contract. I don’t know where that news came from. I will be here at OTAs leading the charge and ready to get things started.

OK, I’ll be the guy to point this out: Just being home with your family is, uh, sort of holding out. Unless there’s some reason he’s withholding – which he totally can – on its face I’m not sure what exactly this proves. Yeah, I know, workouts were voluntary, but his explanation is akin to a Trump admin explanation that denies something without an absolute denial. Oh so you were home with your family? Were you also holding out? I don’t care. Seriously, I don’t. This is the most non-story of all the Eagles non-stories this offseason. But I’m just pointing out that being home without your family when the not-mandatory-but-totally-kind-of-mandatory workouts are going on isn’t a great excuse. Never mind the pants-on-fire nature of that contract line. Graham shouldn’t be happy about his contract– it sucks. He deserves more. By all means, Brandon, hold out the next time you go home and randomly decide not to show up. Might as well get something out of it.

On his podcast today, Jeff McLane, who initially reported that Graham was holding out, said “he must’ve changed his mind.

*Super progressive use of it here, too– going with unpublished Tweet screenshot that was ENTIRELY over the character limit.