Doug Pederson’s Post Game Speech Was So Goddamn Brilliant My Mind Is Kind of Blown

Kyle Scott | November 27, 2017

Fucking Stephen Hawking with a manly posture and a visor:

The Eagles are so good that even Doug Pederson’s post-game speeches lack a certain something. I wasn’t feeling this one. Of course there was the record mention (which I like!), but it felt a little flat… that is until the marathon analogy which was some borderline Confucius shit. Not only was it brilliant in its own regard, but it was also mathematically correct! The Eagles are 11 games into a 16-game season, so about 68.7%. And 18 miles into a 26.2-mile race? 68.7%. If you’d prefer to round up, 69%. Crusher just prematurely exploded our minds.