Hook a Wet Jay Wright Dancing Directly Into Venous Tubes

Kyle Scott | March 26, 2018

Jay Wright is the sort of guy who celebrates a National Championship winning shot by quietly muttering “Bang” to himself and then looking as if he just experienced the satisfaction of an indigenous creature taking some of the food he left out on the porch. I feel good about this.

So it’s with that very real precedent that Jay Wright getting doused in water and dancing like he’s about to be the lead in an Apple commercial is so satisfying. And by satisfying, I mean my needs have been tended to by this soaking shimmy:

That’s hot.

Still, this remains a close second to his fist pump after Villanova won its second round game two years ago. The emotion that was let out with that single thrust was like nothing I have ever seen. This is just a pure celebration, knowing that he’s the best remaining coach in the tournament.