Our First Time Watching the Philadelphia Fusion

Kevin Kinkead | July 31, 2018

The Philadelphia Fusion lost this past weekend. They will not be Overwatch League champions. They didn’t play particularly well. Maybe the moment was too big for them or maybe the underdog story just ran its course. For whatever reason, they didn’t have it.

But they gave it a good go. And from what I watched on Friday night, they seem like a scrappy, blue collar, lunch-pail carrying Philadelphia team, just like any other squad in town. I think we can all safely say we’re now “five for five” instead of “four for four.”

Friday night was the first time most of us at Crossing Broad have watched eSports, at least intensely, so we thought it would be fun and/or mildly entertaining to share the log of our Slack chat from series one of the finals. Most of it is us just sort of fumbling over the rules and trying to figure out what’s going on. I’ve been a lifelong gamer but don’t know too much about Overwatch or the Fusion in general. Other guys really had no clue what has happening, and eventually started talking about the proper way to grill a steak.

Here ya go:

Anyway, yeah, it kind of devolved into a grilling discussion, but I enjoyed watching the Fusion on TV. It was hard to follow the action at times and I preferred the overhead view, but whatever.

Good effort boys. Let’s go back to my man Hung Tran for the final word: