Guy at Charity Softball Game Trucks FOX 29’s Kristen Rodgers

Kevin Kinkead | August 16, 2018

I missed this yesterday, but apparently they played that annual Police Athletic League softball game down at Citizens Bank Park. It’s a media event, so basically the print people play against the TV/radio people, or at least I think that’s how it works.

FOX 29 sports anchor Kristen Rodgers was playing third base when her team got some guy into a rundown, and instead of sliding into third base, he just ran her over in stunningly non-athletic form:

Rodgers said she was fine and ended up anchoring that night.

But the best part might be 97.5 The Fanatic’s Mike Missanelli calling the guy a “douche” on today’s radio show:

Mike Miss: “That’s really embarrassing. I don’t wanna say anything, but who was the douche who slid into third base with – the girl from FOX was playing third base. He awkwardly slides into her. He doesn’t know how to slide so at the last second he flops down in a semi-slide and he runs into the girl.

Tyrone Johnson: “I don’t know who that guy was.”

Mike: “Come on dude. Did you see that Andrew?”

Andrew Salciunas: “No. I didn’t break down tape from a softball game.”

Mike: “Well they shared the video from the telecast when they had (Police Commissioner Richard Ross) in there. And this guy is like a bat out of hell running into third base. God forbid he gets thrown out at third base, so he goes in hard.

Tyrone: “He crushes Kristen Rodgers.”

Mike: “Kristen Rodgers from FOX 29, he just blasts her. Come on dude. Who is that dude? We gotta talk to this guy.”

Mike is right.

Who does that at a charity softball game? Just let yourself be tagged out, don’t run over the sports anchor playing third base. You don’t wanna be the one dude who is trying too hard at the meaningless media game.

I don’t know who he is and I won’t go to great lengths to identify and out the guy, but that was outrageous. At least he tried to help her up.

Here’s the audio of Mike calling the guy a douche: