I Really Don’t Know How to Feel About This Article

Kevin Kinkead | August 7, 2018

Jason Nark at Philly.com wrote a story called “The Eagles’ Super Bowl win makes me miss the losing.” I think he went on Mike Missanelli’s show in the afternoon, but if he did, I missed it.

The theme of Nark’s piece is that he’s basically lost the fire, lost the passion for the Eagles he grew up loving. The Super Bowl win means that he’s essentially reached the pinnacle of Birds’ fandom. It will never be the same.

Writes Nark:

When the clock ticked down to zero on Feb. 4, I hugged my dad, my son and the stranger who ran into my house waving an Eagles flag. And then some part of me realized that no future Super Bowl victory would ever feel so good.

I had reached nirvana, inner Eagles peace, and the hunger was gone, almost instantly.

Am I really the only one who feels this way?

Hmm.. well, probably not. And I don’t disagree. Obviously nothing’s gonna be the same as winning the first one. I think you can say that about most things in life. First apartment, first concert, first Southern Tier Warlock, first car, unless it was a 1994 Nissan Altima with 205,000 miles on it.

I can understand his feelings.

Nark also explains that he doesn’t want the Eagles to become a bandwagon team:

I cringe when I think of the Eagles becoming a dynasty. Dynasties often change the chemistry of a fan base. They become entitled whiners, righteous and expectant. They become lean Rocky in a Lambo and Paulie gets a robot.

I don’t want anyone to like us. I don’t care.

Dynasties spread like disease until some fraud you went to high school with starts popping out Cowboys fans, and they’re running around your backyard in Dak Prescott jerseys during a barbecue, eating your steak. Fledgling Eagles fans in Fresno or Oklahoma City may mean well, but they don’t have the scars.

Let’s slow it down here. There’s a long way to go before it would get to this point.

Plus, Philly is a parochial place. Even if the Birds won three more Super Bowls in the next five years, I don’t know if the kid in Fresno is buying an Eagles flat-brim hat with the sticker still on it. We’re not really trendy or fashionable. And I think most locals would probably tell the bandwagon jumpers to fuck right off because they aren’t from here, they didn’t suffer through the losing years, and they have no cultural or geographic connection to the team.

Plus, we still have the reputation of being a bunch of boorish loser fans, (RE: Vikings game), so even if the Eagles keep winning, I think a large majority of people are going to see roll with that stereotype and stay away from Philly as a trendy front-runner pick.


My sons are dying to go see a game, so maybe I’ll sell an organ on the black market or try to pass off a preseason game as legit football this month. I feel for them: They’ll never know the bittersweet purity of attending a game no one wanted to see, when some dude called your dad with free tickets to the Vet, back when we were hungry and games were blacked out.

Maybe I should be more of a Flyers fan.

Flyers fans are going to hate that line.

But yeah, I get it; it’ll never be the same. The second Super Bowl, if it ever comes, simply can’t trump the first one.

Still, God forbid any Eagle fan actually enjoy watching an elite team with an affable head coach, players that appreciate the fans and work their asses off, and a forward-thinking owner who makes Jerry Jones and other dinosaurs look like total schifosos.

That’s how I’d choose to look at it.