Chris Long Wants a Beau Allen Mural in South Philly

Kevin Kinkead | September 4, 2018

Gone, but not forgotten.

Beau Allen is a Tampa Bay Buccaneer, but the Super Bowl-winning ex-Eagle could be memorialized forever in Philly with a mural about a block from Geno’s Steaks.

The kickstarter page is for the “Never Forget Beau Allen Memorial Mural” and features this description:

With Beau Allen no longer with us, we mourn his loss. Not many cities understand that the defense wins games, championships, and Super Bowls, but Philadelphia Eagles fans understand this. With Allen’s too recent departure we shall miss him and his spirit.

To commemorate Allen’s legacy, on July 8th , 2018, teammate Chris Long tweeted , “I might pay someone to put up a mural of @Beau_Allen in Philly.” That tweet went out and received a heap of replies, eventually the right artist was found, and the location was set in South Philadelphia, and now all we need is your help funding the project. Beau Allen might be gone, but we will “Never Forget” Beau Allen.

Long says he’s not collecting the funds but that the project is in good hands.

Allen was considered the “third string” defensive tackle last year behind Fletcher Cox and Tim Jernigan but he actually played a pretty significant role on that unit, logging 423 snaps (41%) and also playing 136 special teams snaps (30%) as well.

He also had a great outfit that he wore to the Super Bowl parade, which featured an American flag button down flannel and light brown leather gloves featuring tassels. He wore jeans without a coat and hat, because I guess if you’re 6’2″ and 333 pounds, you don’t get as cold as someone who is, say, 6’1″ and 165:

(Photo Credit: Bill Streicher/USA Today Sports)